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East Timor search on Yellow Pages World

This is East Timor search on Yellow Pages World now. Your search will be narrowed down to the country or region of the country East Timor. Enter your desired search term, for example company name or product name, in the input field and click on search. The search for the term you entered starts immediately for the local area of the country East Timor.

Benefits of East Timor Yellow Pages World Now

Entries on East Timor's Yellow Pages World Now are easy to make. Yellow Pages World Now (Yellow Pages East Timor, Directory Listing East Timor, Business Listing East Timor, Local Search East Timor, Business Directory East Timor) at shows East Timor companies listed in Google free of charge. East Timor companies in Yellow Pages World Now. Search and find your local businesses by name in the Business Directory of East Timor. In addition, Yellow Pages World Now offers you the cost-effective option for East Timor to publish your company, your product or your news including an open link (dofollow link) on to your target website. Your content must not violate applicable East Timor law. Unfortunately, websites from the areas of online casino and erotica cannot currently be actively promoted for East Timor. The publications are published for a period of 12 months. Use the power of dofollow links as your added value. To start the publication process, click on the appropriate link Add your Company, News or Product     for 6 months  |     for 5 years.

After paying the fee for 6 months or 5 years, your company name, product name or news including a link to your target website will be published in the right column below the East Timor flag within 5 working days.

This East Timor Yellow Pages page is a free service provided by Commercial services for companies from East Timor are optional and not mandatory. Yellow Pages World Now always strives for the best possible publication of East Timor company data and information.

Information about Dili | East Timor

East Timor is a country in Asia. According to Dili is the capital and largest city of East Timor. It lies on the northern coast of the island of Timor, in a small area of flat land hemmed in by mountains. The climate is tropical, with distinct wet and dry seasons. The city has served as the economic hub and chief port of what is now East Timor since its designation as the capital of Portuguese Timor in 1769. It also serves as the capital of the Dili Municipality, which includes some rural subdivisions in addition to the urban ones which make up the city itself. Dili's growing population is relatively youthful, being mostly of working age. The local language is Tetum, however residents include many internal migrants from other areas of the country. The initial settlement was situated in what is now the old quarter in the eastern side of the city. Centuries of Portuguese rule were interrupted in World War II, when Dili became the site of a battle between Allied and Japanese forces. The damaged city returned to Portuguese control following the war. In 1975, a civil war between Timorese political parties broke out, leading to a declaration of independence and a subsequent invasion by Indonesia. Under Indonesian rule infrastructure in the city was developed, with landmarks such as the Immaculate Conception Cathedral and Cristo Rei of Dili being built during this time. The city expanded as its population grew to over 100,000 people.

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